First ‘Buenas Hasta el Hueso’ (Good to the Stone) campaign concludes, showing the benefits of consuming stone fruit from Spanish cooperatives

Launched by Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España and the regional federations of Aragón, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana and Murcia, it has been developed in the main social networks, achieving a total of more than seven and a half million video reproductions and more than nine million accounts reached.

The ‘ initiative Good to the Stone ‘ initiative, which has been developed on the main social media platforms, concludes after five months, from May to September, spreading and showing the benefits of stone fruit consumption in Spanish households.

Thus, this campaign, which has been articulated mainly through audiovisual content on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and X (formerly known as Twitter), as well as on its own dedicated website, has achieved a total of more than seven and a half million video views and more than nine million accounts reached.

Peaches, nectarines, flat peaches, apricots, plums and cherries have flooded consumers’ phones, tablets and computers, according to the organization ‘Buenas Hasta el Hueso’ (Good to the Stone).

The promoters of this initiative, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España and the regional federations of Aragón , Catalonia , Valencian Community y Murcia The interactions with stone fruit content also stand out, with more than 1.7 million likes, comments, shared content or clicks on publications.

“With more than 662 publications, and with the data obtained, the objective of spreading the benefits of fruit consumption and the role of farmers and their cooperatives to offer consumers healthy and safe food, close, produced in a sustainable way, supporting the economy of rural areas and the future of the thousands of family farms that live in our villages has been achieved“, emphasize from the organization of the campaign.

This format, mixing humor, health and flavor, with stone fruits at the center of the action, has proven to be effective in capturing the interest of users and generating the desired engagement,” said the communications agency in charge of the campaign, Verabril Comunicación y Audiovisual.

Although the initiative will continue to be active during the winter months, work is already underway to develop the 2024 campaign, which, in addition to the popular stone fruit raffles and educational audiovisual content, will include important new features.

The web page,, is also maintained so that“all consumers canfind detailed information on the characteristics of each of these fruits, as well as healthy recipes and information on the producing cooperatives and their farmers“.