Flattened fruit, rich in fiber, potassium, water-soluble vitamins and carotenes. The Paraguayan season takes place between May and September, although some early and late varieties are harvested in April and October, respectively.
The Paraguayan is a very sweet fruit with a smooth and velvety skin. This fruit is rich in vitamin A, essential for vision, good skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and for the proper functioning of the immune system and has antioxidant action. It also contains potassium, a mineral necessary for the proper functioning of muscle activity. Contributes to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol due to the phenolytic compounds in its skin and pulp.
News about Paraguayan

First ‘Buenas Hasta el Hueso’ (Good to the Stone) campaign concludes, showing the benefits of consuming stone fruit from Spanish cooperatives
Launched by Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España and the regional federations of Aragón, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana and Murcia, it has been developed in the main social

Stone fruit and sturgeon ceviche from the Cinca River
Ingredients – 100 grams of cherries – 2 apricots – 1 peach – 150 grams of smoked sturgeon – 4 chili peppers – 2 limes

Good to the bone” campaign
This initiative encourages the enjoyment of stone fruit from Spanish cooperatives, seasonal, natural and healthy. Together with the regional federations of Murcia, Aragón, Comunidad Valenciana

On July 1st we celebrate International Cooperative Day
Under the slogan “Cooperatives for Sustainable Development”, the more than one billion cooperatives in the world will celebrate this year their International Day on July

Murcian cardiologist and influencer Dr. Abellán shows off his ‘bone’.
José Abellán, cardiologist at the Santa Lucía Hospital in Cartagena (Region of Murcia), collaborates with the campaign promoted by the organizations of agri-food cooperatives. José

The assembly of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España reaffirms the commitment of the cooperatives to the economic and social sustainability of the rural environment, with a prominent place for stone fruit.
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España and the regional federations of Murcia, Aragón, Comunidad Valenciana and Cataluña are launching a campaign to promote its consumption among consumers and disseminate its benefits as a source of vitamins and health.