How many pieces of fruit and vegetables should be eaten per day? 2

How many pieces of fruit and vegetables should be eaten per day?

Fruits and vegetables are essential foods in any healthy diet, as they are fundamental for our organism. They provide us with numerous nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They also contain fiber, which helps improve bowel health, and water to keep our bodies hydrated and fit. That is why consuming fruits and vegetables in the right quantities helps to prevent certain diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc. and to have a better state of health .  

Do you know How many pieces of fruit and vegetables should be eaten per day? Do you know its benefits? If you continue reading this article from Granafarma you will find all the information about it.

How much fruit and vegetables should be eaten per day?

According to the World Health Organization, we should eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day to maintain a healthy diet. This is equivalent to about 400 grams in total and about 80 grams per serving

To give you an idea, a serving could include half an apple, pear, banana or orange, about eight grapes, half a cup of strawberries, cherries, blackberries or blueberries, half a slice of melon or watermelon, a kiwi, apricot, tangerine or plum. In a serving of greens and vegetables, you could include half a small plate of spinach, green beans, chard, broccoli and the rest of cooked vegetables, a plate of lettuce, four asparagus, half a zucchini or eggplant and half a cucumber or carrot. 

What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables?

Consuming fruits and vegetables every day is essential for our body to function properly. Fruits and vegetables provide our body with all kinds of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of various processes. Here are the main benefits of consuming these nutrients:

Satisfy your appetite

Due to their high fiber content, both fruits and vegetables,  help usto maintain the feeling of satiety for a longer period of time, thus preventing us from eating anything we find between meals.

Helps to lose weight

The best way to lose weight in a healthy way is to eat fruits and vegetables. These foods help you to lose weight in a healthy way for several reasons: they have a great satiating power that controls the appetite; they contain a high content in fiber, so they help fight abdominal bloating, without starving and without having to count calories; They help to combat fluid retention and constipation and have few calories.

Regulates intestinal transit

Due to their high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, fruits and vegetables are essential for a correct intestinal function. Eating them daily regulates intestinal transit.

Nourish all organs

Vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables allow to strengthen all the cells, organs and systems of the body. There are many nutrients found in these foods, apart from vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

They give vitality

Because they are so rich in nutrients, both vegetables and fruits are foods that have the advantage of increasing energy levels and vitality.

They are a source of antioxidants

Fruits and vegetables are  richin antioxidants, which prevent damage caused by free radicals, the main causes of aging.

What are the most recommended fruits and vegetables?

The most recommended vegetables and fruits are those of green leaf, as well as spinach, chard and lettuce, and those rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C such as berries, carrots, pumpkin and peppers.

In addition, it is recommended to consume them raw to benefit from all their antioxidant properties. Similarly, although it is advisable to consume whole pieces of fruit, you can also enjoy their flavor in smoothies, shakes, juices, etc., as well as vegetables, which can be eaten in broths, purees and many other recipes. 

On the other hand, it is advisable to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, as they provide us with more nutritional properties, flavor and aromas since they were not grown in the greenhouse. In addition, we will be respecting the natural cycle of production and, thus, favoring sustainability. Do you know which fruits and vegetables are in season? In Frutas Charito, they have elaborated a calendar of fruits and vegetables very useful to know which are the fresh fruits and vegetables according to the month of the year. In this way, you will have more information about the products you buy and you will be able to know which are seasonal and not imported from other countries, which in many cases have been subjected to treatments for their conservation and transportation.

So much for all the information on how many pieces of fruit and vegetables to eat per day. We hope you have found this article by Granafarma and that you can include the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet to have an iron health. Remember that in our pharmacy you have at your disposal a wide range of supplements and vitamins at a good price. We are waiting for you!